How do i fix the bonnet catch on renault laguna s reg?

ive tried to open the bonnet on my renault laguna 2.0 rti but the catch on the passenger side is jammed solid. i now cant open it fully or close it either. any ideas
Billy Angus, December 2005

how to replace a bonnet pull on a laguna

alan crawley, April 2013
Had same problem. Don't be tempted to keep pulling the lever inside the car - it stretches the cable and there's even less chance of it working. Leaning heavily on the bonnet whilst someone else pulls the lever helps but when you do get it open spray liberally with WD40 and do this at least twice a week till you punt the car! Especially during winter. Don't use grease as it attracts/keeps dirt. If your bonnet is locked solid, it costs a fortune to strip out the front of the car to release the catches. Hope this helps fellow sufferers. Meanwhile, central locking intermittant failure not yet resolved.

Megabyte, September 2006
I had the same problem. Managed to get it open by having someone sit on bonnet while catch is pulled - this eases pressure on the catches and allows bonnet to be opened.

Good luck

steve s, December 2005
link Click here to see other fixes for Renault Laguna.