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What can the fishy smell in my bathroom be?

I have cleaned and bleached my entire bathroom and all the drains. There is an awful fishy smell coming from the bathroom that you can smell in the hallway. The smell comes and goes mostly comes. What can I do?
Tory Scheck, December 2004
Shower isolator thanks for great feed I'd would of never looked at that was about to burn through damn council workmen save me and my daughter 2017

Maz, May 2017
I investigated the fishy smell in the bathroom and found it was coming from the cupboard with the hot water heater. Cleaned this thoroughly but smell still there. Looked on google for ideas and thank goodness for the feed suggesting an electrical fault. The switch was the problem with a problem with the wiring causing it to short and burn. I found it before it caused serious damage or fire and fixed a new switch - problem solved for a few pounds. Thankyou to everyone who posted on this issue - I think you may have saved my house, and possibly my life!

jim, August 2016
after reading all the answers i checked the bathroom lite fixture & found the problem was the bakelite retainer that holds the part that you screw the lite bulb into. the bathroom fixture is quite old so i think it is time for a new one. thanks much to all of your suggestions!

jeff k., June 2015
Thank heavens for Google finding this page. Poured drain cleaner etc down bath but fishy smell still there, then read this page and went up to the bathroom. Hole burnt through the isolator switch!!

mranderson2, December 2013
I have an electric shower and the smell has only recently appeared. The smell only comes when the shower is in use and after a few minutes. I have a maintainance contract with a utilities company and the engineer who visited last week to carry out annual checks informed my wife that there is no electrical fault. The smell seems to be coming from the showerhead rather than the power unit but due to the shower cabinet being closed whist in use it could be from either. I have the appliance insured by the company, M###, and it looks like they are going to have to make a visit to investigate.

Alan, retired, home owner, June 2013
I've had the same problem in the bathroom for months. After doing a google search I found that the bakerlight fitting around the light bulb was the cause. As these get older and brittle with the heat from the bulb they give off the fishy smell. This is why I only got the smell in the evening when I had the bathroom light on. Fitted a low energy bulb which doesn't give off much heat and no more smells. Simples!!

Dickie Gee - Luton, October 2012
So glad I read this feed, had a fishy smell lingering around the bathroom for a few days. Despite cleaning every nook and crany I couldn't find the source, thought I'd have a quick look on the Internet and stumbled upon this thread...thank goodness I did as I never thought to check the pull cord on the electric shower and 'bingo' the wire was completed melted and stank to high heaven not to mention a complete fire hazard!! Thank you guys :-D

Botleysfc, December 2011
It is definately your shower cord switch as it has happened to mine. Fishy smell through 2 teenagers over using it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

s James, October 2011
I agree the the smell is coming from something electrical.
I have a shower pump in my airing cupboard, so i have easy access, so am sure this is the source, the smell is only apparent when the shower is left with the electric supply on, no real smell when it is running. I've stopped using it (smells like a fire risk)and will replace it.

Franny, February 2011
I have the same prob everytime i use my shower

sarah, June 2010
defo your electrics had same prob in bedroom looked on web same answer kept cropping up so check all my sockets lights etc found bedside lamp bulb was touching the plastic side of bulb holder eureka the smell was caused by the bulb burning the fitting quickly check it out

hardcorearf, July 2009
Dirty Works!

Situation: Tennant is evicted or otherwise moves out on bad terms with landlord.

Action: Tennant puts fish in bathroom exaust fan vent.

Result: New tennant/landlord go nuts looking for source of smell up to the point where they rip the bathroom apart and finally find the source.

Kent (landlord), May 2009
Aliphatic amines have a fishy smell and are liberated when plastic electrical fittings get over-warm and particularly as they age.
Typically, 13-amp plugs are in fact unable properly to handle 13 amp loads (i.e.3Kw) and will always get warm if handling such loads. Sooner or later they will start to smell as will plastic lamp holders fitted with high-wattage bulbs

Alan Sutton (C.Chem., FRSC), March 2009
your bath wates (overflow) is blocked the smell comes and goes because the smell is more apparent when its drying out?

kevin, March 2005
Burning wires caused by a bad connection (arc) smell of fish.
Turn off the electric, or isolate the bathroom wiring via the fuse board, and if the smell goes after an hour then investigate.
Warning this smell is serious!! you could catch the house on fire!

Bob the Builder, February 2005
This is a 'Trail and error' job. Take off the side panel of bath and check the state of the floor under the waste and all its joints also check the taps and feed pipe joints. That will rule them out if dry.
Check the same with the basin. The hard part is checking the shower waste if you have a purpose shower unless there is a panel you can remove to access the waste. check out the feed pipes if possible of the shower to make sure the're not leaking.
Doubtful, but could the smell be coming from the hot water pipes if they are plastic? as you say it comes and goes.
If the both water feed pipes are plastic then check if the smell is around and stronger when you run hot water. If all produces a no it's not that lot then I'm afraid it time to lift the flooring and see whats under there that might be causing it. I hope you haven't upset any tradesmen that have worked on your property!! they may have put a fish under the floor!!!

BOB, February 2005
Check the overflow on your sink. Is it full? My wife uses a mouthwash which regularly bungs up the pipework and causes a smell.

Garry, January 2005
I had the same smell in my bathroom when the wires behind my emersion heater switch were beginning to get old and burn out, so I had them replaced and the smell went away. Obviously, this only applies if your emersion heater is in your bathroom!

Clive, January 2005
Check the light fitting, if you are using 100W bulbs you may have burnt the baca light fitting. Burning light fittings often smell of fish, replace the light fitting and use recommended size of bulb.

Graham Darwood, January 2005
Fishy smells usually become apparent when electric motors are burning out. This could be the case in your electric shower pump motor. You will soon either have to replace the shower or the pump/motor (if you can get hold of one)

Smokey Joe, January 2005
No, we have a gas water heater. The house is 10 years and we have lived here all that time. We just noticed the smell about a week ago. We thought maybe it was coming from behind the medicine cabinet. We removed the cabinet and did not find anything behind there either. I cannot smell the actual smell in any of the drains. Any other suggestions????

Tory Scheck, December 2004
Have you got an electric shower ????????

Steve, December 2004