How to wire a Peugeot 106 Gti engine loom into a series 1 106 rallye?

I have just fitted a peugeot 106 16v Gti engine into my series 1 rallye and cannot work out which wire on the engine loom to join to which wire on the car loom. The colours do not match up and I am having trouble with seeing the numbers on the wires.
The Gti engine is 1998 and the rallye engine is 1996.
Cheers. Martin.
Martin, December 2004

you will be lucky to find numbers I haven't (if you have old loom find out were they went and match up with new )? does your car have the wireloom plug inthe front by head light i have just done engine swap 1360- 1500 diesel and found out there are diffrent pin groups in the plug and diffrent number of pins ( it took 3 days to wire up)

shane 34/kent, November 2005
link Click here to see other fixes for Peugeot 106.