Fix Fault Trojan


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We have 121 questions about fixing 'trojan'

Qualcast Blades?

We have an 8yr old Qualcast Trojan lawnmower and need to replace blade, we have found various sites but due to age of mower the blade is not the one we want, any ideas on a good site. Many Thanks


How can I fix my Dell Inspirion 1525?

I have a trojan on my laptop and I want to take everything off and reload using the supplied discs. How do I take everything off?


how do i remove trojan horse of my dongle?

how do i remove trojan horse of my dongle it is in my reset device application thanx andrea


Belt of Trojan Treadmill not well ?

If I walk on my Trojan Treadmill the belt is not stable. It feels like the belt want's to go in the opposito direction. What can it be??


What is "ACL" in regestry editer/Auto Run??

I'm currently dealing with a nightmare of a virus and my only "sucessful" defence has been regestry editor. My internet connection is gone but I have autorun/regestry editor at my desposal so that I c ... more


Think Virus Control Centre taken over my laptop?

I recieved a facebook message which i opened from a friend n clicked on an attatchment which give me a virus that kept saying i was infected, i didn't know if it was my antivirus or somthing else tell ... more


How to remove Downloader.Trojan?

How to remove Downloader.Trojan?

How to Remove the Trojan Downloader?

How to Remove the Trojan Downloader?


how to remove a virus?

A few days ago got a virus on my dell laptop and its a trojan and want to know how to remove. I'm not able to change to sfae mode on the laptop, plz help

cant start windows services ,how do I fix it?

trojan is stopping all windows services and admin. permission. how can I fix this?

how to get rid of a trojan virus?

how can i remove a trojan virus on my computor


my trojan 16 keeps cutting out!?

has anybody any clues to why my trojan 16 keeps cutting out ?

mower won't prime?

i have a Qualcast trojan 16 that just wont prime . When i get it to start by pouring petrol down the air intake it runs for few seconds and then stops and I can pull away and then the cord snaps. I' ... more


how do I fix the self propelled bit of a Trojan 18 lawnmower ?

I turned the mower over and a spring and hook had become disconnected. I reconnected them ensuring the cable went through a slot but no joy. Is it possible another bit has dropped off?

Treadmill speed is out of control, how can I fix it?

I have a Trojan Elite treadmill, when I turn it on it immediately goes to top speed and I am unable to reduce it any ideas please?


how can i fix my computer?

how can i get rid of virus, worms, and trojan


Trojan Virus- Toshiba equim?

We have a Toshiba Equim and there is Trojan viruses on it. We need urgent help as how to rid the toshiba of viruses. Norton anti-virus had run out of expiry. I can't find any help so please do help i ... more


I need to fix my mower?

Hiya. I have a briggs & stratton 35 Classic (also on the front is written Trojan 18) that i was recently given from a member of my family. I have managed to get it started after alot of sweating but ... more


the rubber for priming is split can it be replaced and what is involved in ?

trojan 16 mower the rubber for priming is split can it be replaced and what is involved in the job

web cam froze?

afetr having the problem with webcam on yahoo, my msn doen not sign in too. i have internet security kaspersky, but could it be a virus or trojan program which makes this problem with yahoo cam and ... more