How can I get into my USB drive..I can't remember the password?


I've got a USB mini drive and I can't access the files. I put a password on it and I used it for a few weeks. Then didn't use it for months. When I recently put my password in to access some files it told me that the password was wrong.

I normally stick to the same few passwords as I have a bad memory but I've tried to get into the drive using all three and it will not let me in. I have some important files on there plus a lot of photographs of a very dear friend who died a year ago. I'm desperate to get to the pics and other files.

Can anyone help me please?

Thank you.

Lyn Rennick
Lyn Rennick (, June 2005

If you can bypass the password to get at the data, there would be little point to using security on the drive. You are going to have to try and crack your password; make a list of all the variations that you use normally use or that you may have used for that device - don't start trying passwords again until you have the list as complete as possible.

Once you have the list as complete as you can (include variations), then start at the beginning and mark each one off as you try it. If this does not work, put it aside for awhile then look at the list again and see if you can think of more to try. You essentially have to brute force hack the drive

The only other solution I can think of is to wipe the drive and start over. Maybe someone else can come up with a more elegant solution.

GrimJack, February 2006