renault megane torque settings 8v cylinder head?

does anyone know the cylinder head torque wrench settings for renault megane 1.4 , 8valve and also the size of the head bolts thanks.
micky, April 2008
yes its in 12 stages.
tighten the head bolts down to 20nm 15lbf ft in the order that they are tightened in then tighten them all down at 97deg+2deg then wait 3minutes to let the head gasket to settle slacken bolts 1 and 2 then tighten bolts 1 and 2 to 20 nm then 97deg+2deg then slacken bolts then tighten to 20 nm then 97deg+2deg then slacken then tighten to 20nm then 110deg+6deg

ian, May 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Renault Megane.