How can I uninstall Virtual PC/Windows CE Emulator?

I downloaded an example VB.Net project to learn a particular technique and this seems to have installed "Virtual PC/Windows CE Emulator" on my PC.

I can see that there is lots of information around about a driver issue and Windows XP, but I would like to uninstall this.

There is no entry in the Add/Remove Programs List. Visual Studio does not seem to offer a way to uninstall it either.

Any suggestions welcome.
Dan, September 2005

uninstall windows ce manager

Sharpei, June 2012
To reinstall VPC , Completely Remove VPC Delete all the files under the folder "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual PC", download windows VPC from and run setup.

liad livnat, January 2009
Anmochi's solution works!

Rodrigo Jamisola, September 2006
hello Dan and David, I'm Japanese so sorry my poor English.

I faced this problem, too. and find a solution in

You have to cleaning sum Registory Keys
and remove file
after uninstalling VPC/CE emu in the Add/Remove Programs List.

to get more information visit
and see "Cleaning your system after uninstalling Windows CE 5.0"

Anmochi, March 2006
I two are having the same problem, if you are able to find a solution please get back to me!

David Morton, October 2005