how to free a zipper to work that has sea salt on it?

I have a bag with equipment in side it - that got wet with sea salt and it has a zipper that I cannot unzip. It has been setting for a couple of years. I have tried marvel oil and hot water. That does not work. What can I use to free the zipper??????
Roger, January 2011

wd40 and a scrubbing brush. good luck

vic, October 2012
try rubbing the zipper with an ordinary candle

zipman, March 2011
sneak up on it and then point a gun right at the zipper, give it one last warning and if still no luck shoot it

John Boats, January 2011
Try warming the zipper with a hair dryer and apply a few drops of WD40 down the mouth of the zipper-keep warming it and see if you can generate any movement backwards and forwards.
If patience and perseverence doesn't work do what everyone else does-get angry with it. OK

Arnold in California, January 2011