what can be wrong with my Dyson dc25?

Dyson DC25 Serial no. 480-UK-B-56342.
no suction when using pipe and tools, it did fall on its side. but seems to be ok when using just the hoover although a bit noisy, the first small flexi pipe on the side next to the back of the main flexi hose seems to be misplaced too much to one side therefore there is a gap where the dirt would escape if there was suction there. I have tried to release it from the notches to pull it over this gap but can only do the one side there is a clear plastic device on the other, I think this is where the problem is, also the roller ball seems quite warm too probably all connected to same thing
Its not quite 2yrs old and needing it asap. any suggestions please.
Elle, October 2011
Its not sucking because the pipe at the side is dislodged. It needs putting back. If you go on the forum and ask, you might get a quick tutorial at the Dyson forums here:


Angus Black, October 2011
link Click here to see other fixes for Hoover Ball.