no internet explorer?

no internet explorer. it writes a problem caused to stop workinng correctly windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available but never got back mend the problem
graham rachael, October 2012
It may be a momentary problem:
Try restarting Internet explorer normaly.

You may have a problem with a faulty extention, tool bar or plugin:
Try starting it using
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -extoff
from the Run... dialog. The quotes are actual part of the required input string and can't be omited.
Once running, disable any additional toolbar and all extentions.

Download, install and use some other browser like Chrome, Firefox or Opera. Make your chosen browser the new default browser and set internet explorer to NEVER check if it's the default browser.
Those 3 browsers have an auto update feature that is enabled by default. You MUST leave it enabled!!

Whatever you do, make sure that the Windows auto update feature is ENABLED.


Make sure that ALL your programms and applications from ANY source are up to date. It's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!


Electro, October 2012