The extension pole on my Dyson DC04 has no suction. Howcan I fix it? ii?

Although the suction on my Dyson DC04 is working well, there is no suction from the nozzle at all when I switch to the extension attachment. How can I fix it.
Mike, December 2012

No mm - there are people in the world who need this sort of help. I had a programmer working for me - brilliant mind and an expert in Artificial Intelligence. Superb chess player - could play blindfold! But he couldn't change a 13A plug - far too difficult.

My mother-in-law struggles with Left & Right - My next door neighbour Clockwise & Antclockwise.

We all need help of one sort or another I think...

Happy Christmas, December 2012
its enough to make you weep pecacvi :-)

mm, December 2012
Then the pole is either blocked or it's letting in air through a hole somewhere.

Attach the pole with the machine running and listen for a change in note from the motor - if the pole is blocked it will make the same higher-pitched noise as if you'd put your hand over the air inlet - if the pole has a hole in it somewhere any change in pitch will be considerably less than when you used your hand as a cover up.

Look for blockage . look for hole as appropriate.

Peccavi, December 2012
link Click here to see other fixes for Dyson DC04.