How can I fiX my File Integrity Violated ERROR?

when i am copy pasting any component it is showing File Integrity Violated so please suggest me what shall I do??????
please help
john peterson, January 2013


Do you use teracopy? It's notorious for causing that kind of error messages when operating on any NTFS formated volume.
Also, on such a volume, it's much slower than the normal Windows process.

If Teracopy is installed, UNINSTALL it.

Electro, January 2013
It's not a machine error and neither is it a software error - it's a user error...

You are trying to paste something into a place that does not understand what the something is - and if the software permitted the paste to go ahead the destination file would become corrupt and unusable - your intended action would violate the integrity of the file.

Peccavi, January 2013