Lux(Electrolux) Legacy canister shuts off full bag signal with new bag?

Our vacuum keeps shutting down as if the bag is full even with a brand new bag in it.

Service centre wants me to bring it 60 kilometers for service I can do myself if I could figure out how to get the thing apart.

Can any one help?
Dave Bolton, June 2004

Same problem here!
Please reply to me Dave if you have found out how to fix it!
Thanks, September 2005
That's the first thing I checked.
This happens even with the hose off.
If I put my hand near the hole it shuts down.
A service guy told me that it just needs an interior adjustment and wants me to drive 60 klicks to get to him.
If I could find out how to take the machine apart I could do this myself since I'm mechanically inclined but can't find any screws.
Thanx for you sugestion tho.

Dave, June 2004
the hose is clog were it dumps into the bag that is why you are seeing the full bag you can take a wet/dry vac and pull it out are a close hanger real easy, June 2004
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