How do I fix a multicard that is corrupt?

The MMC for my phone that is removeable needs to be formatted and everytime I try it comes back that's corrupt. Please Help


my hard drive wont save anythink once i turn off my pc?

every time i install any hardware or software or anythink i download, it works until i turn off my p.c then when i turn it back on everythink has vanished and i have to re install whatever i need to u ... more


how to fix my external hard drive?

My external hard drive froze up. I have all my pictures and video's on it. How can I get it unfroze or transfer them to another external hard drive?

I can't use all space of my pen drive?

I have pen drive with 4 gb memory. from last 4-5 days i got problem in saving data on it. i can only use 537 mb from 4gb memory. when i try to save document sized more than 537mb then a error message ... more


How can I fix my broken Lexar E USB flash drive?

The flash drive mistakenky fell from my hand and the PC could not recognise it again, the tip is shaking and I do not know what to do.


I just a Lexar Jump Drive FireFly?

I have no clue about computers can someone please answer me this... how do I start putting pictures onto it? the whole start process is very confusing to me. =(


How can i repair my inaccessible/corrupted external hardisk?

My computer recognises my external hardisk BUT I cannot access it.


External Harddisk?

I have an external hard disk, i want to format, but its not showing in my computer,neither is it showing under disk management.Please help me. Also after formatting, can i install windows xp in it. ... more


How to save files on a jumpdrive?

I have been able to save all types of files on my Lexar 258mb Jumpdrive until recently. Every time I try to save a file it returns a message "unable to create file". I still have over 150mb of availab ... more


How can i fix my external hardisk?

when i connect my external hardisk to my pc, the error came as "Window-Delayed write failed". i'm able to open the hardisk but unable to open any file in the hardisk. How can i repair my hardisk and r ... more


Can I use ext. HDD formatted with FAT32 sys on WinXp/Win2K?

Can I use ext. HDD formatted with FAT32 sys on WinXp/Win2K? Vice versa, use ext. HDD formatted with NTFS sys on older or other OS? Why? Note: I'm a frequent user of external HDD and has got 10 ex ... more


How can I fix my USB 2.0 Flash drive?

I have had the device working, but I went to delete a series of photos and pressed select all, now when I plug in I get absolutly nothing come up on my screen, not even the thumbs for the instructions ... more


USB pen wont work?

when i put the pen into the drive my computer detects it, but when i go to mycomputer to open the pen my computer says there is no devise, the light on the pen is on meaning there is power to the pen ... more


Does Windows XP Home have a Backup Program?

Previous versions of Windows have all had a Backup Program included as part of the Operating System. Does Windows XP Home Edition have a Backup Program? If yes, how do you access it because I can't fi ... more


Why can't PowerQuest Drive Image 7 find my C Drive?

I have been using PowerQuest Drive Image 7 for some time. All of a sudden when I went to make another image of my C Drive an error appeared basically stating that Drive Image cannot find my C Drive. ... more


Which files would I need to backup to backup a MySQL database?

In which folder are MySQL Database files actually kept? Which files should I backup? Is there a good tool for backing these up and restoring them if nessesary?


How large are image files likely to be?

I am thinking about buying DriveImage or Norton Ghost so that I can image my entire Hard Disk. How large are the backup Image Files likely to be? My Hard Disk is 100GB. About 20GB is used (data), 80GB ... more


How can I format an external Hard Disk?

I have a Hard Disk which connects to my PC using USB2. When I plug it in the drive is detected by Win XP, but the drive doesn't appear in Explorer. I think this is because the drive is not formatted. ... more


How can I image my main harddisk to an external drive?

I want to be able to save an image of my computer's main harddisk on to an external USB drive. How can I do this?


How can I backup onto several CD-RWs?

Most Backup programs don't let you write directly to a CD. Some of those that do won't work if you need to backup more than a CD's worth of data (600MB) Does anyone know of a good program?
