Laptop error message?

I keep getting a message "Your BT internet account settings are out of date." How do I fix it?


DNS derver not responding?

I have a 'Zoostorm' laptop, don't know the model number, but seriel number is CM003923-008. I am unable to connect to the internet. The Wi-Fi icon on taskbar says it is connected, but when you run a p ... more


lost internet?

Wireless internet lost on PC all other units picking up internet 2 Samsung Tablets SM T580 My Acer laptop. daughters laptop and iphone pick up the net no problem. two weeks now no internet on PC, ... more



My pc "windows" shuts down then reboots , just did it twice in 1/2 hour. What could the cause be, no blue screen it just goes blanc then restarts. Thanks in advance

Unlock Laptop?

I have locked my Packard Bell Easy Note Laptop,how do I unlock it plz


screensaver problem?

hi there....can someone help me please? I am using windows 10 and my screensaver does not work at all. Any advice please? Thanks in advance.


social media?

when you un follow someone on Facebook why do you keep seeing there post on your news feed??



unable t0 use keyboard


social media question?

how can you stop people from following you on facebook…..they are not even on my friends list? thank you in advance


genovo ideacentre windows7?

I was given a comp...the person who had it before me took it back to factory settings. wiped off w10 which was free update 2 years ago. I have tried to reload 10 but then get a message that says the r ... more


keyboard fault?

Logitech K 120 keyboard windows 2010 English keyboard key 2 on shift prints the email at symbol, the key 3 prints $ and not UK pound symbol the at key on shift prints “ . on this forum you ... more


ALERT! Update WinRAR. Zero day flaw actively exploited?

Everybody using WinRAR must install the latest version as soon as possible. ALL older versions are vulnerable and can lead in malware infestations. You can get the latest version here : https://nini ... more

adobe flash player blocked?

im using windows 10 and my browser is Microsoft edge. certain games I play tellm me my adobe flash player is blocked.How can I fix that please and thank you very much in advance.


ALERT ! Back Up Before the 1809 Windows 10 Update?

That update may wipe out your files. The most at risk files are those in the default folders : My Documents, My Images, My Videos... But there is still the possibility that files in other locations ... more

Can't save word files ?

I typed up a letter and wanted to save it but i keep getting message 'Word has insuficient memory. Do you want to save Document2 as a Rescued document 9?. Why does it do this when there is lit ... more


unwanted emails?

One for the PC buffs! Yes I know its hot a repair question except to repair my sanity receiving unwanted emails from pets club I never signed up to, and I lost my dog to cancer. After sending sev ... more


how to make mse start & run in background windows 7 64-bit desktop pc?

DATE: APRIL 15, 2018. I am a NOVICE PC USER. I have an HP Compaq Presario CQ5720F Desktop PC running Windows 7 SP1 64-bit with IE11. My Antivirus is MSE 2016 Microsoft with Antimalware Client Versio ... more


windows updates question?

hi there. I have windows 10 and what I wanted to know.....when it comes to windows doing the there a way that I can pick a time of day when I do my updates? a certain time when ... more



Updates for Windows 7 not happening. Please help


logged off?

Every so often my PC has rebooted on its own. Today Thur 14th Sept. it shut down(logged off ) then Auto started again right in the middle of typing a message on a utility website. Its not the firs ... more
