How do I re program ford mondeo keys?

My key has stopped working I have put new batteries in but it still does'nt work anyone know how to re program please ?
I see there was a link on here a year ago ?????it does'nt exist now
D VASS, August 2004

I think that you are trying to program the remote, not the immobiliser.
If so, then turn the key to position II and back to O four times within 5 seconds and then press the open button on the remote.
Note: if you have more than 1 remote you have to press the open button for every remote otherwise the old ones will stop working.

Sean, September 2004
Seems to be at:


David, August 2004
REPLACEMENT KEYS or a max of 15 duplicates can be coded useing red master key.
to program, turn master key to position II in Ignition. when control light is on ,turn off, remove key, wait about 2 secs till lights on again. when light goes out you have 10 secs to program ONE UNPROGRAMMED key, by turning new key to position II, when light go on ya done .each key same way.
if no joy see ford dealer. good luck neil

Neil, August 2004
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Mondeo.