Installing new front door?

My husband just "finished" installing our new front door, including hardware. It is closing properly on all the corners except the top left (above the knob). What could the problem be?
Michelle, November 2008

door is in "wind" frame out of square slightly, adjust it by throwing it on the hinge which means in your case moving the bottom hinge in the frame slightly out a bit and the opposite to the top hinge, chop a little more out, this should close the door onto the frame better, thats if its timber, if upvc adjust the washers on the hinge, it will throw the door tighter to the frame, or it may have an allen key adjustment, good luck

alan, November 2008
The problem could be that A (the door) is touching B (the frame).

Is it a wooden door or a plastic door? Plastic door systems often have little adjusters in them to square things up.

Peccavi, November 2008