how can i fix the echo of my 2 toms and floor tom?

the toms on my drums echo alot... ive tuned them the best i know how to.. (im not the most experienced drummer). ive heard of people putting pillows, clothes, etc in them but im not sure if thats the best thing to do... i want a deep, hard rock/metal sound.. any ideas?
Jensen Kappus, February 2009

I went to a drum show recently and some of the guys had blu tac stuck on the tops of the skins, it worked!

sean, October 2009
If you don't mind drilling a few small holes in the side of your drum Slingerland hand a great simple head muffler. I added them to my complete Tama set it gave great control and easy tuning. They are getting a little expense lately. I bought a Slingerland set took out the mufflers and resold the set. Cost me zero and I made a few buck on the turn over on the set!

Butch Swingle, September 2009
Gaffer Tape (Duct Tape)
It's cheap it works and you don't look like some drum nerd.....

Simple to place where you want on the head and control the amount of dampening required..... hey a little ring is not a bad thing.

Oh unless you are in a proper old school dub band..... I remember a gig where the drummer of a dub band actually had dusters underneath the skins secured by the drum hoops....... totally dead & flat sound

Well it worked for him.......

Anyway try gaffer tape...... a little bit at a time or a strip well placed...........generally on the edge of the skin where you get the largest amount of movement.

I hit it with this stick, July 2009
Shell toms usually don't need any damping. The resonation you hear from above isn't what's projecting out to the crowd. Some larger floor toms have damping pads built into them. If you feel the floor toms are too tinny, you can place a small (1-2" dia) adhesive mole hair patch on the underside of the head near the edge. This will help take some of the ring out. Whether you like them full of resonant sound or not, it's up to you.

P1 drummerman, June 2009
Go to music store and purchase tom mufflers. they go on top of drum. They r clear and round.......K.D.

Keith(K.D.), June 2009
go to guitar center or a drum shop they have a tons of different products to stop the resonance (echo), my advice is not to use anything; drums that don't resonate sound like s**t regardless of what type of music your playing. Drums are made to resonate for a reason, you should try switching the heads to a head with a lower tone first. Maybe a Remo Pinstripe.

THe man, March 2009

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