How can i find a wiring diagram for my yamaha 115 1995 outboard?

How can ifind a wiring diagram for my yamaha 115 1995 outboard
Ivan, August 2010

black = negative or earth 12v-
yellow = 12 positive 12v+
pink = temprature sensor & low oil level sensor +(also to buzzer/alarm in control box)
navy blue = crank shaft sensor(in engine box)
white = kill switch and stop
light green = tilt and trim (blue + green - = down)
light blue = tilt and trim (green + blue - = up)
brown = start in gear protection
red = 12+ in engine box)
hope this helps a bit cant think of the rest.a full manual from 2 HP tyo 250HP is available on ebay for £4.99

GREASY, September 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Yamaha.