h.p..pavilion g-7 series laptop?

i cannot get my laptop to stop reading, "there's an error reading the disk". this along with other problems i'm having, prevents me from repairing my pc...i need your help..
SONYA & CHARLES, January 2014
That message mean that your hard drive is faulty and need to be replaced.

It's also possible that a RAM failure could be a cause.

Boot from some removable media, like a live Linux CD/DVD or USB drive.
From that environment, copy as much files as you can to some external drive.
ANY file that fails that copy is to be assumed irrevocably lost. Sory.

Now, remove that drive and instal a new one.

Restoring to factory state is now totaly IMPOSSIBLE.

Do a fresh install of your operating system. It can be the same as before or another one. DON'T install Windows XP as it's support is to be terminated by April.
Reinstall your drivers and your applications.
Restore your files.

Run some RAM diagnostic utility. If it repport ANY error, it mean that there is a fault in at least one RAM stick. Any faulty RAM stick MUST be replaced.

Electro, January 2014