Panasonic Breadmaker SD-206?

Panasonic Breadmaker SD-206. The turning part of the base in the body of the machine that the bucket fits into is making a noise when turning, like there's an obstruction in there. Is it OK to unscrew these workings? The piece in question is circular, black with two lugs on it and is about 5cm diameter. It sits in its own larger metal house which is attached to the base by 4 x crosshead screws. Does that indicate it's OK for me to remove them?? Thank you.
Jenny, November 2023

Woo! Update!

I found this which might be useful:

Endnf, November 2023
It's probably a few bits of burned food graunching. Upend the bread maker with the lid open and let anything fall out then live with it for a bit.

Endnf, November 2023
link Click here to see other fixes for Panasonic SD-206.