feroli optima 901 boiler pressure high?

HI my boiler
optima 901 pressure is high 2.8 bar+ and operating the prv.I have set the pressure with the heating off to 1 bar to try and stop high pressure but it still goes high. It seems that the burner may be staying on too long as the pressure stays level when burners is.

Any ideas on faults.
steve, March 2007

I have taken the cover of the boiler but cannot find the expansion vessel? any ideas where it is?

steve, March 2007
How can i check the expansion vessel,or charge it ?

steve, March 2007
either needs charging or split

hi-spec plumbing, March 2007
if you turn your boiler off and pressure falls to about 1 bar and turn your boiler on and pressure rises to nearly 3 bar your exspanssion vessel is faulty. ever needs charging or its split inside.

hi-spec plumbing, March 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for Optima.