Fix Fault Kodak


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We have 7 questions about fixing 'kodak' in category Memory, Memory Cards

how to un write protect a sd card?

i got a kodak sd card and i tried the switch on the side up and down over and ovr again but it keep saying that it is copy protected and i makes me mad

kodak 4GB SD/HC memory card?

My KODAK M1063 digital camera cannot read and reformat the memory card.The camera always ask to reformat the memory card.even though i follow the instruction on the display screen of the camera,it sti ... more


formated files?

i have formated my SD 512 memory card and some important files were deleted now it does not work on my camera Kodak Essy share C513 does any body now how I can recover does files and get it back to wo ... more



I previously bought a 2.0 Sandisk sd card from for my Kodak Z710 7.1 megapixels camera. After taking a total of 72 still photos and 12 videos, the memory card shows that it is full. Why is ... more


How can i fix my corrupted sd card without losing my pictures and videos?

How can i fix my sd card? I was uploading my pictures from my Kodak Z710 50x Zoom Digital camera to the computer and now when i try to re-view the pictures on the camera, it tells me that can not rea ... more


removing and replacing memory card?

I have a c743 Kodak easyshare and I can't remove the card.Is it possible that it's in wrong?It doesn't seem to be,but,I can't get it out! HELP


How to unlock Kodak SD Card?

How to unlock Kodak SD Card 256MB?


Fix Fault - Memory, Memory Cards

home label Memory label_important Memory Cards