Fix Fault Toshiba


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We have 220 questions about fixing 'toshiba' in category Video, DVD Players

How to repair Toshiba SDP74SWB portable dvd player?

My Toshiba Portable DVD Player is not loading any disc's tries to load for a long time then says invalid disc, but this happens with all disc's. so I took a look at the lens and noticed that there was ... more

Why does my DVD player play the DVDs but not vhs?

My toshiba DVD player plays the dvd but not on vhs any ideas why please ?

My Toshiba RDXV60KB will not 'finish ' a dvd after downloading film copied ?

I am unable to access the Setup screen, and as a consequence, I can't access many functions that are essential when capturing film, editing and copying from the hard drive to a dvd. I have been able ... more

change dr?

how do i change dr on toshiba rd-85dt when remote wont work

toshiba tv recorder hdr5010kb?

I have to try 14-20 times , before it comes ON . WHEN or IF it COMES ON , it is stuck on a channel. NO other functions WORKs . THE REMOTE CONTROL woks fine BECAUSE I can still use it to functi ... more


toshiba dvr19dtkb --- the problem?

1: It goes straight into "autoplay" of whatever disk is inserted even though there is no explanation or option of running in this "mode" - which I have not come across anywhere either manuals or mac ... more

Toshiba RD-XV48DT fault on vhs?

every time i input a vhs tape into the machine it ejects it straight away


Toshiba DVR19DTKB stopped working?

My virtually unused Toshiba DVD/VHS combo TV recorder has stopped working. When you plug it in the green indicator light next to the on/off button flashes and so do the two indicators for selecting VH ... more

toshiba dvr19dtkb2?

Machine will not power up, fuse ok in the plug and have power to socket. Press on/off button - nothing. Any suggestions please?

Need the remote code for toshiba d-r150?

The booklet supplied has the codes but in very very small print Need code for Toshiba DVD Recorder. Model D-R150


how can i fix toshiba dvr19dtk52?

dvr was recording fine then put new blank disc in dvd which started to format for 2 seconds then error e 4 54039000 appears with cannot record on disc???????

DVD recorder,toshiba dr20?

I started to record on disc via VHS , and the recorder just turnd off,now can't get it back on at all


What is the fault with my toshiba video cassette recorder? DVR19DTKB?

I have had a toshiba video cassette recorder dvr19dtkb for a few years and have had no problems with it. I recently purchased a new samsung TV and now find that I am unable to record from my sky box o ... more

I have a problem with the tape on my toshiba dvr19dtkb2?

when I insert a tape it plays but there is no picture just a snowy effect like a blank tape playing I have cleaned the head and tried various tapes

why does my dvd player keep stopping?

my toshiba dvd video combi freezes for a couple of seconds during playback also it wont finalise discs after recording also ive noticed the draw opens and closes very slowly

toshiba rd-xv48dtkb?

I have correctly connected scart lead and antennae feed between the recorder and the T.V. I cannot activate EPG for recording. The recorder only shows pictures in AV1. When the T.V. handset sets th ... more

Toshiba RD-XV59DT will not read discs?

Hello, my parents Toshiba RD-XV59DT DVD to VHS machine will no longer read any form of disc. I have taken it apart and the laser seems clean. I cannot find any common faults on the net. I don't want t ... more

how can i fix this problem?

toshiba 5 disc carousel changer mod the turn table hangs up when closing and will not play when it is forced in the c/d stays in machine. it rotates free in the open position.

how ca i fix toshiba dvr19dtkb2 recorder?

when we put video in slot it takes it in then it switches whole machine off and jams in.

toshiba rdxv59dt -it wont read any disc?

the Toshiba rdxv59dt wont read any disc.the message displayed is disc may not play back.its the same for blank discs and normal dvd films

Fix Fault - Video, DVD Players

home label Video label_important DVD Players