CD not playing?

My Bose AWRC3P just seems dead but when I press the CD play it turns the disc a couple of inches then stops. No sound.

Need radio code for 4500rds?

Hi can any help me to d my code my serial number is m449553


Model 15787220?

How to reset model 14787220

Maintenance Manual for Panasonic SA-PM38DB?

Panasonic SA-PM38DB Where can I download a manual that shows how to dismantle the unit. NOT an Operators Manual but a Maintenance Manual. I stumbled across one a few days ago [but failed to bookmark ... more


CD drawer will not open?

I have a logik lm102 ue and the cd drawer will not open any clues please.

How can I fix my Panasonic SA-PM38DB?

Panasonic SA-PM38DB CD tray opens and closes, with or without a CD, but won't play the CD if present. When the drawer retracts, it simply opens again. No error codes are displayed. Any ideas on how ... more

How can I fix my Bose Wave Music System AW?

Only the 4 cd slot on my Bose Music system AWRCC1, is working properly: the cds skip, not all the time, but at different times. Slot 1 was working fine and just began skipping recently. Can anything ... more

Bose CD skips?

My CD player skips, cannot play cds

My Bose CD/Radio keeps ejecting CDs?

My Bose Wave CD/Radio was having trouble playing CDs - it would start to play then stop, repeatedly. It would also make a horrible clicking noise and was clearly struggling. I tried a CD lens cleaning ... more

CD Player does not play?

My CD player will not play although the radio and tapes do work Thank you for any advice, Jeff


How to fix SC-HC49DB stereo cd player when sliding door not working?

My Panasonic CD player doesn't open or close to allow CD to be placed in and played. It is a vertical player. Door should open and close on CD - SC-HC49DB - about 4 to 5 years old. Not in current l ... more

model awrcci?

On the attachment under my Bose which plays CDs 2,3,4 it comes up announcing DISK ERROR. How can this be corrected?

No sound?

Pure Chronos CD Series II How do I resolve NO Sound on CD DAB FM to speakers or Headphones?

How can I stop my Goodmans cd player skipping reading first 2 tracks of cd?

My Goodmans Delta 700 CD player skips while trying to read/scan the first two tracks of any CD. Is there a straight forward way to fix this?

My Jag XJ8 2004 CDC player suddenly shows no disc ?

My 6 CDC player in boot stopped working showing no disc although the single player in cab still works fine.The cd images did appear as if it was to work and the the no disc displayed ,I cleaned the un ... more

Replace Laser Bose CD 3000?

Any one got instructions on how to replace the CD laser unit on a Bose Cd 3000(1998) acoustic wave


how can i fix my second hand cd player ?

bought cd player for peugot 207 it plays but bleeps

fix Bose?

My Bose model AWRC-1p Speakers sound bad. Can I replace them?


How to repair Sharp Model CD-DH950P mini-Comp?

Sharp modelCD-DH950 P mini-comp exhibits “can not read disc “ on display. I progammed unit back to factory settings.No cure and picked up more random notes on display.How do I access laser to clea ... more

My Bose wave music system III, radio/CD player suddenly won't play CDs?

Hi, I'm not sure how old mine is but it worked beautifully until suddenly it didn't. Now it flashes "Reading Disc" several times and then says "Not Playable". Does anyone know what might be happeni ... more
