aldi traveler tv 6500 driver?

Where do I find a driver for this neg scanner for Windows7-64bit,I've tried everything I can,Windows search only instals 32bit and Xp,someone must have got this working with Windows7-64bit.Please help ... more

Scanner making terrible noise?

My Epson Stylus SX115 printer/scanner is making a terrible noise which is coming from the scanner. Even if I try to print, I get an Error message so nothing works. It appears that one of the scanner ... more


aldi traveler tv 6500 driver?

How do I find a driver for this neg scanner for Windows7 64 bit,device manager downloaded driver for 32 bit and Vista64,I don't get message 'new hardware found',the mnfct website is us,it is doing my ... more


I need the sofeware/disc for my HP scanner diamond 1200 plus? ?

I need the disc for my scanner HP diamond 1200 plus to connect it to my computer. Can't find it on their site. Can you help? Thanks.

What model replaced the 4670 Scanjet?

What model replaced the 4670 Scanjet?

Need to know where to have the nozzles cleaned on my Epsom Stylus DX 6050 ?

I have a problem with the ink cartridges not working properly the colours are faint and the black is none existent even after replacing with new cartridges and Epson support say to either have the no ... more


epsom printer photo rx620 ?

epsom printer photo rx620 how do we clean out ink resevoir

How can I start my colorpage-vivid 1200XE scanner?

There is a corrupt file on the CD. It is 32Bit. Though I installed it on the computer, the comuter can't read it. What can I do?



epson rx620 error message?

Printer message says "at end of service life " . Can this be fixed ?

What is wrong with my CanoScan 3200f?

I have lost the protective sheet from the document cover and don't know where to get another one. Now the scanner won't work. It's a brilliant scanner. Any ideas?

zerox workcentre 7132 scanner seems to be ok but message is not sent?

The machine goes through the process of scanning and getting you to e mail your recipient etc. but that person does not receive the message. Can you help please

escndv.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. ?

What to do about:escndv.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.

How to scan with EpsonTX550?

Epson TX550W usb connected to new Toshiba laptop with win 7. Scans fine from the desktop but when attempting to use the scanner 'scan' button the usual initialisation sound is not herd and an error di ... more

My DX3850 scanner, is showing black stripes?

Hi, my scanner is showing black stripes, so i can't see what i have scanner. i unnistal all the program, and instal again, work fine for one day, but today is back to show black? Please help. thanks

required one power cable for my scanner?

can yiu suply one power cable for my scanner


Epson RX 620?

Paper jam, some paper, that is not visible is jammed inside the printer. How can this be cleared?


service for epsom rx620 series?

my epsom rx620series printer has stopped working it says internal parts are at the end of there service life can anyone help please

ervice a epson RX620?

I have a Epson RX620 it now says Service Required, this is the 3rd time it has hapend the last 2 times i took it to be serviced and got charged £30 how can i do it myself,

Is my scanner fixable? It fell on floor(carpet)?

Hi, my scanner fell on floor. It was less than 2ft, but now doesn't work. something is dislodged. How do I know if the optical is damaged? It turns on, but doesn't scan or read. A note pops up an ... more
