How to repair a burn hole on polyester jacket?

The burn hole in on a seam line on a Eddie Bower Weather Eddge jacket. the jacket is 100% polyester


how can I repair a burn hole in a polyurethane jacket?

my husband has a burn from a cigarette a little smaller than a dime on the sleeve of his polyurethrene jacket. how can I fix it?

how can I repair elastic cuffs?

how can I repair elastic cuffs

Where can I get a sew on Barbour badge?

Where can I purchase a sew on badge for my new Barbour jacket. Some inconsiderate idiot threw a cigarette and it as burnt a hole in the arm of my jacket.

how to fix a hole in my jeans?

I have a dime size hole in the seat of my jeans. The inside edge is frayed, how do I fix it?


how do i repair a hole in jeans without "good ole Texative"?

How do I repair a hole in jeans in the behind (not on a seam) without "good ole Texative"? Prefer not to use a patch.


How can I remove bobbling and snags from my silk dress?

I have a lovely silk dress but have noticed that it has some bobbling on the front also there are some snags - what to do, thank you

how do you mend the upper thigh area of slacks that is worn?

how do you mend the upper thigh area of slacks that is worn?

Zip replacement?

Where can I get a zip replacement for my barber coat in the Lincs area.


Ugg boots?

Is there anyway that a small hole in the toe of an Ugg Cardy boot can be repaired. It doesn't go all the way through the boot -only the crocheted part

can you sow a wax jacket?

I have a small hole at the seam on on the sleeve of my wax jacket, Can it be repaired with a regular Needle and thread?


Restore colour to toe caps of ladies boots?

My wife has grey leather boots. They are in excellent condition apart from the toe caps which are a bit jaded looking. As if the colour has gone from them in places. Is dyeing the only solution. It is ... more

can a clip on tie be retied?

I gave a shirt that had a clip on tie to a friend of mine. Immediately my friend untied the clip on tie and now I have a mess. Can this be retied to original knot?

What the processing for nike running shoes ?

what the shoes designer on price are best.The xmas coming,want to order on this site.ant one order from this site ?


loose clasp on money purse?

The clasp on my purse is loose and will not close, may have had too much change in it. It is leather and still has lots of life in it if only i could tighten the clasp. Help!

moths ate a hole in my wool jacket?

there a little holes in the back bottom of my jacket, is there hope for the jacket or do i throw it out?

dog hairs?

How can I remove dogs hairs from my car upholstery ? They resist all sorts of vacuum cleaners & sticky rollers.


Camoflauge pants?

How do I mend the worn seat of the camoflauge pants?

Faded dress pants?

My husband has a fairly new pair of dress pants that have faded on the back pocket where his wallet goes. They are a Wrangler product and I have taken them to the cleaners. He says that it might be a ... more

how can i repair a hole in a blouse?

i have a new blouse and after one wash I noticed a hole close to the bottom of the blouse which will show. How can repair the hole or what can I use to cover the hole up.