How is the bridge attached to my acoustic guitar? ?

Is it just glued? Can I carefully reglue it myself with appropriate clamps?
Mike Coplin, July 2012

The bridge on my acoustic 12 string was held on by both glue and screws. The screws were under 'pearl' dot inlays, and there were little nuts on the inside which I could easily reach once I'd taken all the strings off. I was instructed to make a cardboard shield to cover the face of the guitar around the bridge, then gently heat the bridge with an incandescent bulb. A little bit of pressure then popped the bridge right off. Use regular white wood glue to attach a new bridge. If you are trying to reattach the old bridge, you'll have to use super glue or crazy glue.

Middle aged carpenter, October 2014
If glue doesn't do it for you, you can always utilize a couple of well placed screws. Then cover them with some dot inlays.

neil, June 2013
Unless you have a tail piece, I think you'll find the bridge is glued on. Getting it in the right place is tricky but using a strong wood glue and clamping firmly should do the trick.

Jules Faux, July 2012
The bridge isn't glued to the guitar, it's held in place by the tension of the strings, simples!

A M, July 2012