Fix Fault Lumicron


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We have 59 questions about fixing 'lumicron' in category Cameras, Digital Cameras

lumicron ldc-618z3?

My camera won't turn On I have changed the batteries twice it slashes green the red for a second but won't turn on. Do I need certain batteries or do I need a lead to charge the camera?

lumicron ldc-825z3 on windows 8.1?

tried to load the drive on new computer with windows 8.1, previous computer used XP, but is not compatible is there any way I can get my camera to work with this windows 8.1 system?


transfer pictures from camera's memory onto memory card?

Is it possible to do this? I have a Lumicron LDC-660S

My camera doesn't power up - nothing happens!?

I have a LDC-618Z3 Lumicron camera - it has died on me. Batteries are fully charged but nothing happens when I switch it on. Anyone help me?

how can i make my lumicron 6.6 digital camera video infer red footage?

how do i make my lumicron 6.6 camcorder film with infer red lighting at night

camera has froze and lens wont close?

i have the lumicron ldc618z3 digi camera, i have trouble closeing the lens and gettn the camera to switch on ,i have bought a new battery crv3 and that hasnt helped, the lens will not close and cannot ... more

Usb cable for Lumicron LDC-618Z3?

Has anybody any idea where I can obtain a usb cable for this camera? I have lost mine and cant download the pictures on my camera.I have taken the camera into currys, dixons and other electrical/comp ... more

my sd card say locked all the time ?

i have a lumicron ldc 560s and says card locked cant get it to go any1 help !!!!

my lumicron digital camera is not working?

the camera will not work at all even with new batteries the light just flashes then goes out

Where can I get a mains battery charger for Lumicron LDC-828Z3?

I need thebattery charger for Lumicron LDC-828Z3. Where can I get it in or around Wolverhampton, Cannock or Birmingham?


i dropped my lumicron?

i dropped my lumicron ldc 618z3 and it damaged the battery cover so only one side shuts and the other side is slightly open so i dont get a proper connection when the batteries are in side the camera, ... more

need charger for lumicron 4013?

need charger for lumicron 4013 camera

Flash Does not work?

The Flash does not work on my LDC-618Z3 Lumicron Camera How do i repair it or where can i get it repaired

How can I fix My Lumicron 618Z3 camera?

I have a Lumicron LDC-618Z3 digital camera. While the camera was switched on it was dropt a few inches. Since then the shutter does not go into the body of the camer even when the camera is switched ... more


My camera, Lumicron LDC-626Z3, is out of fuction. There was an error code: ZL0020 I cant find my guidebook/instructions. So I ask help for getting my camera in function again. What I should I do f ... more

lumicron LDC-825z3?

when the camera is switched on all that shows is a white screen, regardless of selector switch position. battery is fully charged

how can i get my lumicron ldc-618z3 camera to save photo's to card ?

my lumicron ldc-618z3 camera will only save photos to the memory ,not the sd card .


Which battery do i need for Lumicron 550S camera? ?

I have recently bought a second Lumicron 550S digital camera, it has no battery. I know that it is a lithium flat battery that it needs but i do not which one, could anyone help me on this please?

blurry line? lumicron ldc825-z3?

i have problem every time i captured photo outdoor specially when i take pictures exposed in the sun! there's a lot of line coming out on my lcd! but when i captured photo at night everything seems to ... more

Fix Fault - Cameras, Digital Cameras

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