No lcd display ?

Hi i have no lcd display on my Nikita BMR104 is this an easy fix cheers

the mini component system?

I have CD-BHS1050 mini component system from Sharp. Recently no display on the system. CD can comes out and in. How can I fix it? Thanks.

cd not working?

have a cd 3disc neon serial#3073023

No sound on Bose Radio?

Any idea of cost to repair? Thank you Nancy

technics sh-eh50?

i have a technics studio amplifier sh-eh50 code error f61 when you open it if i try when it opens starts and stops all the time


DAB radio restarting / speaker issue?

I have a DAB radio (Bush Horizon) that I acquired second hand. When I plug in the power supply, the LED screen lights up and goes into standby and shows the date/time correctly. When I then press the ... more

Pioneer PDR-609 recording from analog machine?

I have a Revox A77 reel to reel machine and want to digitise the recordings from the tapes. I have a Pioneer PDR-609 CDR machine and have connected the Revox direct to the CDR machine. I keep getting ... more


Steepletone cd rock zero 50 two ?

Hi I have broken the plastic that covers the lights on my steepletone cd rock zero 50 two jukebox. Does anyone know where I could this part from please. It’s the curved bit at the top of the jukebox ... more

Cd30 astra?

Ok, here goes. Keys in the ignition switched on (before engine) radio comes on nice and crystal. Switch ignition on, radio goes to a quite hash sound then silence. Ignition off and no change. Wai ... more

Radio function ( sound) stopped. DCR018?

My Dewalt radio has stopped the radio speaker function. Both battery and direct cord power are working on all other functions. Just no sound. Radio worked two days ago. Since then the radio has b ... more

pure evoke - 1. 88.3 CENTREFORCE.locked on screen?

Screen showing 88.3 CENTREFORCE. Can find channels which gets lost when try to lock. Always reverts to 88.3 CENTREFORCE.

Sanyo solid state stereo music centre ?

I am looking to find the main ac lead for the above please can you let me know if i have one or where i can get one. Thanks


Kenwood m58 synthesizer tuner t58l?

the display on the synthesizer does not lightup when you switch the power on

How do I remove a pot knob from a fender rumbler 100 without breaking it?

How do I remove a pot knob from a fender rumbler 100 without breaking it?

Distorted sound when playing music?

Sound is fine when people are talking but when music starts to play sound is distorted on my Roberts ecologist 4 radio


would it work to install my kenwood and mp5 as well?

would it work to install my kenwood dpx503bt and add a generic car mp5 for android as / mirror link/ and camera support at the same time?

opening a Mastsui DAB Radio?

Model MATDR100 portable DAB radio. need to open up as I think the power cables may be broken inside from a fall. I have removed 4 screws situated on the back, but appears there is "something" still ... more

Dvd clock display off;how to fix it?

My wharfedale dvd micro hifi model 2009ipod has no clock display lights;how can I fix the problem

nsm jukebox pretige es160?

I get a error code 1 What can I do to fix the problem

Jukebox ?

My Steepletone Encode Cd Rock Zero 50 lights are not working ,can someone help please .