My challenge jigsaw m1q-dd7-65?

I have lost one of the plastic? Screws holding in the blade ..where can I get a replacement please ....

parkside pphss730se jigsaw?

i need a start button for my jigsaw anyone know where i can get one

How do I change a blade?

How do I change the blade on a power craft 9272 jigsaw model no wwjs800/10 I have tried everything the blade keeps dropping out

macallister jigsaw?

how do I install a replacement blade?


Jigsaw brush holder?

Where can I get a motor brush and spring tensioner holder, for a parkside PPHSS 730 jigsaw the tiny peg that holds the spring in place has broken off


need battery charger?

battery charger for 14-4 drill and jigsaw JCB on box is the product to old for spare part. thank you

Power Devil Jig Saw?

Hi , I have a Power Devil Jig saw Model PDX2JSB which runs for 10 seconds and then stops. Does anyone know how to fix it or can fix it? Regards, Trevor


makita 4350 jigsaw?

Hi can any one tell me how to get the quick release back in line to accept the blade the plunger is sitting crisscross instead of paralle thanks


makita 4350 jigsaw problem installing blade?

The quick release has moved position after the blade dropped out and wont line up to take new blade.

multimeter for dewalt vs jig saw switch?

What kind of numbers should i be looking at for the motor connections and numbers for vs connections?


Need wiring diagram for dewalt vs jig saw?

took apart my jigsaw due to a sticking switch, put it back together and must have mixed up the wiring. all i want is a color diagram to show where the wires should go on the switch



When cutting with black and decker ks800s jigsaw it seizes but if I take it from cut and tap bottom of blade it starts again

Challenge saw probs?

My 18 volt challenge saw won't charge up properly after charging fully it cuts out after a few seconds

blade holder for challenge jig saw?

Challenge jig saw model JS80JD, variable speed, from Argos. I need a new blade holder as existing has split. Anyone any ideas or shall I pension it off? That would be a shame as it is an old and trust ... more


how do I re-assemble my mckeller jigsaw?

The power cord needed replacing, done that but cannot reassemble the moving parts

makita jigsaw 4334D change blade?

can anyone help me to change the broken blade from my jigsaw

ferm jigsaw jsv-600p?

Where do I buy a Carbon Brush replacement for my jigsaw? Part No 406770 Make...Ferm JSV-600P


Dismantling Parkside PPHSS 730 Jigsaw?

Does anyone know how to remove the casing and get at the faulty on/off switch? I can't see how to get at it to fix/change it. Thanks


performance power jig saw mod No.NLH750LIS?

i require a complete reciprecating arm

How to install blade in makita jig saw?

How to install makita jig saw blade in jig saw