can my BTeasIcom 1000 corded telephone be repaired?

the phone is functioning intermittently, sometimes not ringing on incoming calls and intermittent in general use. This is a corded B T easIcom 1000 item code - 871551 REN;1. 504716. Item serial no. 0005013378 B6
SUZZANE, February 2015

I had the same problem. I discovered that the batteries were dead, in fact missing from the base, I replaced these. I then used the "Assistant" button and went to settings and changed the ring tone.
Whether it was the first or the second action that solved it or both actions together my Easicom phone is now working fine.
As to Jeremy chucking stuff in landfill that should always be the last resort, our planet is stuffed with waste already :>(

daphne still dancing, February 2018
Corded phones are so cheap in any supermarket, I'd bin it and but a new one.

Terry, March 2015