Fix Fault Riello


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We have 88 questions about fixing 'riello' in category Heating, Oil Filled Radiators

how can i fix by riello burner mectron 3bm 30 yrs old?

Riello 3BM burner problem no spark at jet to ignite in other words getting fuel but won't fire no ignition any quick solution

how can i mend my riello burner rdb1 483t50?

ran out of oil nightmare!!! put 20l barrel in hit reset button and burner keeps going back to reset i have took of the red cover and unscrewed the only bolt i could find with allen key it was situated ... more


How to increase air supply to Riello RDB Burner?

I have visible smoke coming from flue when the boiler starts up. What does this mean! The Boiler and Burner were installed only last Sept. I am not able to contact the installer at present. The boiler ... more


riello 40 pump?

is there a limit to how many times pressing the restart button will burn out the oil pump??? i recently ran out of oil, got a top up and system was bled. i then had heating for 48hours but then the w ... more

Constantly have to clear an airlock in my Riello Burner?

I have 50 gallons of oil in my Tank. to start the boiler , I must bleed the valve and purge out the air, thereafter the burner fires. Once it reaches the high limit setting it cuts off(as it should). ... more

My riello burner lights for about 12sec and then locks out?

Riello burner, I ran out of oil I have bled it and now it lights for 12sec and then locks out


how can i fix my rdb burner?

will my riello rdb boiler work with a worn mounting flange gasket. the burner fires ok.

Electric eye?

My furnace will fire up but only for a few mins. There is lots of oil. Somebody suggested cleaning the electric eye. I cant seem to locate it on the Riello burner. Another person seems to think there ... more

Fix Fault - Heating, Oil Filled Radiators

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