Fix Fault Sony


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We have 100 questions about fixing 'sony' in category Audio, CD Players

wont play or eject cd?

sony head unit always worked flawlessly, pulled it out - stored it for 2 months put it back in- cd wont play or eject.

Sony CFDZW755 CD-Radio-Corder?

have 2 in-the-house CD player combos both have not recognized the Disc to play what's happening?

New CD player distorts audio ?

I just bought a new Wedge radio with a CD player built in. I was playing a brand new CD and part the way through it distorted a song. I tried a different CD and it played fine. Other CD's have beco ... more

faulty cd drawer?

my cd player model Sony CDP502 es mk 2 loading drawer "complains" and sticks on operation. Once in the cd plays fine, but then I have to "help" the drawer out again

my portable dvd player (sony dvp-fx820) wont load. ?

We have had the pink portable DVD player for a little over a year. The DVD player won't load DVD's. The player keeps running like it is attempting to load the DVD, but the movie will never actually ... more

sony CMT-EP30?

CD player says no disc. CDs work on other players. Help please.

How can I fix my SONY CFD-545?

The CD player doesn't work, allways-"no disk" (sorry for my english) thanks

how can I fix my in home Sony model CDP-297?

The player will not open. It started acting up by immediately opening back up after activating the open/close button. If gently shook the door it would stay closed. Now it will not open.

why Boom box play some cd and not others?

why does my sony boom box play some copied cd and some are not

Marantz CD75 no audio?

I'm not getting any sound out from the CD player. The transport seems to be working OK inasmuch as the display indicates a CD playing as normal but there is no audio out from the analogue phono socket ... more




my sony cdp 291 wont close/play?

my sony cdp 291 wont close most times. if its open with power on it will shut but not with the buttons. when it does load most times it doesnt play. if you cut power to load multiple times sometimes ... more


car cd player not working?

i have a sony cdxr3300 when i put cd in it makes a clik clik nosie

Sony CD Player CDP 990 - skipping at opening piece(s)?

The player starts skipping usually on the opening piece of music.

No dics error on my Sony CA-MXS2BK player?

Is there any body who has had the same problem and what is the fix.

My Sony CD player - a small compact component system sticks?

CDs sometimes stick. They are clean. Even the CD cleaning disc slips - and it's clean too. Sometimes it plays ok - then for no obvious reason the disc sticks or slips. Is there a local (Durham NE Engl ... more

sony cd player drawer shudders when closing ?

my sony cd player works fine however the cd drawer shakes when closing like it is rubbing against something. but there is nothing blocking it

The CD Transport of my 1988 Sony CDP 205 ESD does not function?

Just wondering how to repair the tranpsort tray of the above model (or similar era ).Whether I insert a disc or not ,as soon as I push it to close, it would fully, but after that the tray opens again. ... more

sony 5 disc cd player?

When I put my cd player on pause, will it do any harm to the cd?

Sony micro hi-fi CMT NEZ30 advances CD tracks inaccurately?

when I try to advance a track on a CD, numbers flash frantically on the display and instead of advancing to track 3 (for instance), track 16 starts playing. Past warranty and hoping an adjustment will ... more

Fix Fault - Audio, CD Players

home label Audio label_important CD Players