Cant install new CD Drive?

I was given a second hand computer (OS: XP pro) that only had a CD-drive. I took it out and put in a LG CD-burner from my old computer (which also was XP pro in which it worked fine). The problem is t ... more


How can I remove what remains of the Yahoo program?

Have Windows ME: Yahoo was uninstalled in order to be replaced by Netscape. Remnants of the Yahoo program remain. Trouble signing on, with notice that another program is dialling up. Trouble running ... more


cannot make my own dvds using avi and srt files?

have downloaded some avi films and some (srt subtitles)How can i make my own i have to convert the films in some other format so they can include the subtitles? nadia


Windows Picture and Fax Viewer - thinks files are Read Only?

When I browse photos saved in a folder which I access over a network, the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer will not save photos which I rotate. A message appears saying that the file could not be saved ... more


I cannot use Remote Desktop to connect to another PC?

I get an error message "Unable to log you on because of an account restriction." What could be wrong?


Hi-Jacked Task manager?

When I hit control-alt-delete I get the process box window of Task Manager, but no tabs or menus. To close it I have to use TM to close itslf. Any help on how this occurred and how to restore TM to it ... more


how to disable safe mode?

I want to disable safe mode as my kids are using this method to go onto the internet


Blank operating screen?

My computer was running slowly for days, then it would not connect to the internet at all. Finally, when I started up my computer, only a black screen with the message "system32.hal/dll file missing ... more


how to write a unix shell script?

I need to find in the /usr/bin all the files that has any charater as its fourth carater except a lowercase x or -. How do you write a shell script using the KornShell to do that using grep. example - ... more


how can i delete windows sp2?

my computor as suddenly gone very slow and will not let me download some programmes. i have always declined to download windows sp2 update. although i have not changed any settings i find that all m ... more


How can I permanently remove a mounted virtual drive?

I mounted an image file (an ISO) using MS Virtual CD Rom. It was assigned Drive Letter Y. When I finished using this I used the Remove Drive Button as usual to remove the virtual drive, but it keeps a ... more


WIN XP Internet Explorer Link Page Freeze?

In WIN XP Internet Explorer when I click on a link in a downloaded page, it brings up a blank page with no downloading action, the flag is not waving and the blank page is dead. Am I missing a file or ... more


W32.Spybot.Worm fix?

Where can I go to get the removal of the W32. Spybot. Worn for free?


How can I run System Restore when the shortcut to this is missing?

I need to roll back to a previous Restore Point, but ironically the problem I am trying to fix is that I have lost all my Program Shortcuts. (So I can't launch System Restore.) I am using Windows X ... more


How can I stop Win XP SP2 from telling me that Auto Updates is off?

I have upgraded to SP2 (Windows XP) and I never allow Windows to automatically update. (It's a trust thing.) Every time I login a Balloon Nag warns me that Automatic Updates is off. (I know!) Ho ... more


How to STOP Win Messenger update message?

Every time I boot my computer I get a message: Windows Messenger - A newer version is available. You must install the newer version in order to continue. Would you like to do this now? I have win m ... more


screen freeze?

after start up when I double click on a icon on the screen nothing happens I click it off after ages, then try another same thing happens, then later they all appear together ,done system restore seve ... more


win soc error win 2000?

how to fix it?


internet windows don't fit my 15 inch monitor?

i am running xp -no internet windows fit my screen exactlly thier is always a slider bar at the bottom of the screen and it only has to move a fraction to see the rest of the page -my resolution seems ... more


windows xp won't turn off my computer?

windows xp won't turn off my computer automaticly it just come's up -it's now safe to turn off your com -but restart works fine--is thier a setting i can change in windows or in setup ?? thanks dig ... more
