Fix Fault Eject?


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We have 1075 questions about fixing 'eject?'

How to fix sony trv212 tape sticking?

Tried taping the camer but it still will not eject the tape. Any other suggestions?

Sanyo VM-EX25P unraveling tapes?

Hey I have a Sanyo VM-EX25P, in lockdown decided to digitise the tapes so managed to get about 2 hours done. Now when you put a tape in and press play rewind etc, it just unravels the tape slightly ... more

Sony Handicam won't play cassettes, and won't fully eject?

I need to transfer a few dozen Super8 cassettes to digital media. So I got out our old Sony Handicam, but it (1) won't play a tape when I put it in (just beeps and flashes an Eject icon) and (2) won't ... more

Eject tape from player- Model TC-WR665S?

I can't eject my tapes from the cassette deck?? I press the eject button and nothing happens on either side. What can I do to get the eject button to work?

Ford 6006e cd issue?

cd player stopped working. Could not load or eject cds , display has said no cd(there are 6 loaded),pressed aboe buttons same time then got occasional cd re set or wait displayed...any help welcome

Disc in DVD player ?

I have a disc stuck in a Samsung player.... if won’t eject.... how can l get it out

How can l eject a dvd Dom a Samsung player ?

I have pushed the eject button but it doesn’t work. Is there any way I can eject the disc??

Magnavox CDB 494 will not eject disc cartridge?

My Magnavox CDB 494 has six discs in the cartridge. They play, but the entire cartridge will not eject. Therefore, I cannot remove the discs. I have taken the top cover off, but the cartridge is sti ... more

How to open the CD door?

I have a home System , when i Press the eject Button it reads opening but it doesnʻt open

how to get the VHS to eject?

I have a Panasonic BMR-EZ48V VHS & DVD recorder & the VHS will not eject & I got a code HO1 & F14


how to remove stuck disc?

Bose will not play, and will not eject; displays "no disc" but it is lying. Help!


I got 6 CD changer BMW 2006 750i and magazine got stuck could not eject?

My question is :How can i take the magazine out of the unit to reload the other disc in.


Bose CD player door "stuck" and only buzzes continuously?

Our Bose CD player, which is also the sound source for our TV and other electronics, will no longer eject CDs. I've tried to do a hard reset, but it continues to be stuck, and "hums" constantly. We ... more

Power shuts off, chatters, doesn't eject?

How do we fix our vcr so we can record shows again? Vcr won't eject cassette unless we shake it upside down. It makes a chattering sound and shuts power off , the power won't stay on. We have a magnav ... more

Matsui vx1108 is not responding to zapper. Why please?

Zapper will turn on, eject but will not set clock or play or ffwd or fretn. Tv signal is ok through the vcr. The buttons on the vcr will only eject but not fwd or retn. What do I do now please?


stuck carteidge JVCD-30 U?

jvc gr-d30u cartridge will not eject when press here lable is pressed. Cartridge drive does not move

mazda tribute radio set ?

i have the same basic prob, my cds willl not eject or accept..i need to figure how to get the cds out..?

my radio in scenic wont work?

battery was taken out when clutch was changed on my 2005 ren scenic now there is nothing showing on dashboard ,no lights to say code etc .when I press eject button all I hear is a beep so I assume pow ... more

Logik LDVR1608 DVD recorder?

Suddenly the disc eject button does not work. Any solution pls.

How to unlock safe mode LG VHS without remote?

Hi guys, I have a LG VHS player that is in safe mode. Nothing works except the eject button. I lost the remote in the move and I am trying to get it off safe mode without a remote. Can anyone help?