Fix Fault Vax


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We have 403 questions about fixing 'vax'

No steam/water?

My Vax S86 SF CC seems to have usual “no steam” problem. I took out filter and replaced the water tank and expected to see water in the cavity - nothing. Is water being blocked?

Vax Rapide Ultimate?

Hi there, I have the vax rapide ultimate, It leaks a lot when operating. I have replaced the clean water tank for new thinking it was the seals, it isn't. It leaks from the underneath. I have ta ... more

How can I mend my Vax hover switch?

how to re move the start switch

Vax Rapide Delux?

My Vax rapide won't stop dispensing shampoo


vax blade stick vacuum , it picks dirt up then spits it out again!

Vax bruses motor voltage?

What voltage the motor working for the rotating bruses on the VAX V-027 works on? and is on DC or AC

How can I remove the back from my Vax Rapide W90 ?

I removed all the hose storage items, and the 8 screws holding the back on. But the back comes loose by about one centimeter and then won't come any further. I have a water flooding problem and need t ... more

wiring details?

wiring details for vax v-026 raped

Vax Steamer ?

No detergent is coming out The water tank is fine Why is this ?

Is there a pulley on the motor to drive the brush?

The vax rapide cleaner seems to have lost power the motor still turns but I don't know if has full revolution s so I am wondering has the pulley come off

vax steam cleaner mop ?

the utility head will not release from the steam head, how can this be removed as we need to attatch the steam mop

my vax mach air will not lock in upright position. ?

it will stand upright but with the slightest disturbance it falls over backwards. No visible signs broken catch or locking device.


where is brown fuse on vax rapide v-026?

my vax rapide v-026 carpet washer just stopped working booklet says check brown fuse.but does not tell you where it is


vax carpet washer screw pack for v-026rd rapide deluxe?

Hi - I cannot find anywhere the screw pack for my Vax carpet washer. Can anyone tell me the size of the screws in the pack so that I can find them separately, please? Thank you!


fix a vax w90-ru-8?

Detergent/water spray is not working. I have tried all fixes for possible blockages etc no luck. Could it be the handle trigger that is broken??

Vax ultra rapide carpet cleaner?

My brush roller motor is not working the belt is fine it is the small motor that is not working where can I get a new motor from or can I get it fixed anywhere, the machine is 18 months old only used ... more

Vax Rapide Delux Carpet Cleaner?

My carpet cleaner just died on me after 30 mins use. Changed the fuse but this made no difference. Left it overnight to see if leaking water was the culprit to no avail. Any ideas?

Vax Air Stretch PET MAX Vacuum cleaner?

The brushes have stopped turning and the green/red light indicating the correct/incorrect floor type is not showing

How can I fix my Vax carpet cleaner?

Vax Model: 026KD carpet cleaner. Although the brush revolves fine there is no suction. It would appear the power button is not operational


waste tank cleaning Vax Rapide Ultra?

Is there a simple, effective way to clean the waste tank? Mine is filthy